Pace Bus Summary

Summary ridership data for Pace’s bus network. The overview table displays the average monthly total for the entire network by day type for a given month. The table of top 10 routes shows those routes with the highest average monthly total by day type for a given month. The table of other services displays the average monthly totals for Dial-A-Ride, Paratransit, and Vanpool services.

The page defaults to the latest month of data available. Users can change the month, year, and day type view via the filter buttons. Data is available for the past 13 years. Figures from years prior can be downloaded with the link above.

The first chart below shows the network’s historical average monthly totals for the 13 months prior to the month specified. The second chart shows the network’s historical average monthly totals for the month specified for the past 13 years.

Accuracy of Data: The RTA makes every effort to provide correct and reliable information on this web site. However it does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the content and expressly disclaims liability for any errors and omission

Day Type Boardings
Weekday 1,037,550
Saturday 112,648
Sunday/Holiday 91,736
Total 1,241,934
Other Services
Service Boardings
Dial-A-Ride 40,257
Paratransit 336,722
Vanpool 51,050
Total 428,029
Top 10 Routes
Route Boardings
352 Halsted 49,751
290 Touhy Avenue 47,910
307 Harlem 39,378
318 West North Ave 37,196
381 95th St 34,385
100 Pulse Milwaukee Line 30,367
322 Cermak Rd 29,630
101 Pulse Dempster Line 28,159
349 South Western 28,103
364 159th St 24,334

Previous 13 Month Weekday Ridership

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Historical December Total Weekday Ridership

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